
Practice What You Preach: Leading by Example
Published - 16 June 2024 Author - johnerivona

Practice What You Preach: Leading by Example

In a world filled with noise and hypocrisy, there is a simple yet powerful principle that we often overlook - practicing what you preach. It's easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk is where true integrity lies. As the saying goes, "actions speak louder than words." When we fail to live up to the standards we set for others, we lose our credibility and moral authority.

Leading by example is crucial, especially when we are called to be role models for others. Our words may inspire, but our actions are what truly make an impact. People are always watching, whether we realize it or not. We have the power to influence others through our behavior, and when we fail to practice what we preach, we not only let ourselves down but also those who look up to us.

The importance of leading by example is echoed in the words of Jesus himself. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 16, it is written: "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." This verse serves as a reminder that our actions should align with our beliefs, for the sake of both ourselves and those around us.

On the flip side, failing to practice what we preach is a surefire way to lose trust and respect. In the Gospel of John, chapter 5, verses 31-47, Jesus warns against those who claim to have all the answers but fail to live according to their own teachings. He cautions that people are already informed of their tricks and deceit.

Even the apostle Paul spoke out against those who preached one thing but lived another. In his second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 13-15, Paul warns of false apostles who disguise themselves as servants of Christ but are actually deceitful workers. He calls them out for their deception and urges others to be wary of their tactics.

In the book of Psalms, chapter 26, verse 4, it is written: "I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites." This verse serves as a reminder that those who claim to be righteous but fail to practice what they preach are living a lie.

So, let us be mindful of the example we set for others. Let us strive to practice what we preach, to be the change we want to see in the world. Let us remember that our actions speak volumes, and that we have the power to lead, inspire, and impact those around us. Let us be the light that shines bright for all to see.In a world filled with noise and hypocrisy, there is a simple yet powerful principle that we often overlook - practicing what you preach. It's easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk is where true integrity lies. As the saying goes, "actions speak louder than words." When we fail to live up to the standards we set for others, we lose our credibility and moral authority.

Leading by example is crucial, especially when we are called to be role models for others. Our words may inspire, but our actions are what truly make an impact. People are always watching, whether we realize it or not. We have the power to influence others through our behavior, and when we fail to practice what we preach, we not only let ourselves down but also those who look up to us.

The importance of leading by example is echoed in the words of Jesus himself. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 16, it is written: "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." This verse serves as a reminder that our actions should align with our beliefs, for the sake of both ourselves and those around us.

On the flip side, failing to practice what we preach is a surefire way to lose trust and respect. In the Gospel of John, chapter 5, verses 31-47, Jesus warns against those who claim to have all the answers but fail to live according to their own teachings. He cautions that people are already informed of their tricks and deceit.

Even the apostle Paul spoke out against those who preached one thing but lived another. In his second letter to the Corinthians, chapter 11, verses 13-15, Paul warns of false apostles who disguise themselves as servants of Christ but are actually deceitful workers. He calls them out for their deception and urges others to be wary of their tactics.

In the book of Psalms, chapter 26, verse 4, it is written: "I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites." This verse serves as a reminder that those who claim to be righteous but fail to practice what they preach are living a lie.

So, let us be mindful of the example we set for others. Let us strive to practice what we preach, to be the change we want to see in the world. Let us remember that our actions speak volumes, and that we have the power to lead, inspire, and impact those around us. Let us be the light that shines bright for all to see.

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About Us

The Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim was solely founded by Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase. He began his ministry from his home town Ikare. He left Ikare in 1915 and his missionary journey took him to


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