
                                                                        Introduction to Mr Gbenga's Life

Mr Gbenga is a man anchored by deep faith, dedication to his work and unswerving commitment to his family. A proud Nigerian, he has built a successful farming business, navigated the landscape of agribusiness with finesse and tenacity. Known for his steadfast belief in God and the teachings of the Bible, he is a staunch supporter of his local church, leading by the example of regular tithe payments.

Mr Gbenga's Successful Farming Venture
From a small piece of land inherited from his father, Mr Gbenga built a flourishing agricultural empire. His grain cultivation endeared him to his local community and distant markets stimulated by the demand for his produce. The warehouse that housed the grain was more than just a storage facility - it was a symbol of his hard work, resilience, and success.

The Role of Faith in Mr Gbenga's Life Romans 10:17
Enduring personal and professional challenges with faith as his backbone, Mr Gbenga exemplifies Romans 10:17 - "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." His faith is not just lip-deep; it is a lived experience.

God wants us to know that anything is possible  Mark 9:23
As with any life story, there is a moment of 'the unexpected'. One dark day, a fire ripped through Mr Gbenga's warehouse, burning all the grains, his hard-earned produce. But amidst this tragedy, his faith never wavered, clinging onto Mark 9:23, "Everything is possible for one who believes."

The Unfortunate Incident: Losing all Grain to Fire
The fire was a tragedy that left nothing but ashes and charred remnants of what used to symbolize prosperity. He felt the weight of the financial loss and the burden of restarting.

Our prosperity comes only from God  2 Chronicles 20:20
Following this catastrophe was an equally devastating one, a plague locust descended on his farm, wiping out his remaining plants. Yet again, he was dealt another blow. With the biblical verse, 2 Chronicles 20:20, he held on to his unshakeable belief, knowing that "Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm.”

Crisis on the Farm: The Locust Infestation Mark 11:22
The locust infestation took away his entire farm - his sole source of income. But Mr Gbenga did not succumb to despair. Instilling in himself Mark 11:22 - "Have faith in God,” he embarked on the path to restoration.

Personal Tragedy: The Loss of Mr Gbenga's Son
The death of his son was the most heart-wrenching blow. His only heir, his pride, his joy was gone abruptly. This insurmountable loss shook him deeply but did not deter his faith.

When Love Leaves: The Departure of Mr Gbenga's Wife
Losing his wife was another bitter pill to swallow. She was his rock, his consolation in the face of trials. Her absence rendered their home eerily silent and empty.

Financial Struggle: The Banks Take over the Farmhouse 2 Peter 2:9
As debts accumulated and payments dawdled, the banks foreclosed on his house, his last standing edifice. Poverty loomed, but he grasped onto 2 Peter 2:9, "The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials."

Safeguarding One's Personal Finance: Bankruptcy and its Repercussions Matthew 6:13
When his bank account was frozen, the reality of bankruptcy became apparent. The repercussions were heavy. Leaning on Matthew 6:13,“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one,” he accepted this challenge as yet another test of his faith.

How Faith Sustains When Crisis Overwhelms: A Personal Reflection   James 1:13-18
Reflecting on his journey, Mr Gbenga found solace in James 1:13-18, realizing that trials are part of life’s journey, and his faith in God would see him through these hardships.

Using Disasters as a Pathway to Understanding God's Intentions
While his journey has been immensely challenging, Mr Gbenga chose to view his trials as pathways to understanding God's intentions, slowly unravelling the profound learnings designed by God himself.

Mr Gbenga's Journey towards Recovery and Redemption Luke 4:13
With each challenge, Mr Gbenga moved from recovery to redemption, embodying the resilience depicted in Luke 4:13. His journey serves as a testament to the power of faith amidst adversity.

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About Us

The Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim was solely founded by Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase. He began his ministry from his home town Ikare. He left Ikare in 1915 and his missionary journey took him to


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