
The Difference Between Visions and Prophecy: Revealing God's Plan
Published - 2 July 2023 Author - johnerivona

The Difference Between Visions and Prophecy: Revealing God's Plan

Visions and prophecy are both divine manifestations that provide insight into the future. While they may seem similar in nature, they actually serve different purposes and carry distinct characteristics. In this article, we will explore the disparities between visions and prophecy, emphasizing the profound significance of prophecy in discerning God's masterplan.

Throughout the ages, individuals have experienced visions, receiving glimpses of events yet to unfold. In the book of Joel, it is prophesied that "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions" (Joel 2:28). These glimpses into the future are often personal and subjective, granting individuals a unique perception of what lies ahead.

Daniel, renowned for his prophetic visions, encountered a vision during the reign of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon (Daniel 7:1). Similarly, Abram, later known as Abraham, received visions from God that reaffirmed His promises (Genesis 15:1). Even the apostle Paul, during his journey, encountered a vision that reassured him amidst trials (Acts 18:9).

While visions reveal specific, short-term, and changeable events, prophecy delves into something much deeper. The apostle Peter addresses this distinction in his second letter, stating that "no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:20-21). Prophecy is a direct revelation from God, unveiling His grand design for humanity.

Prophecy carries immense weight in the eyes of God, for it serves as a declaration of His intentions and plans. Jeremiah warns against false prophets who deceptively claim to speak on behalf of God (Jeremiah 14:14). The voice of God speaks through prophecy, providing divine guidance and insight into His purposes for His creation. The book of Revelation encourages those who hear prophecy, stating, "Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near" (Revelation 1:3).

In contrast to prophecy, which carries substantial gravity, the Bible mentions visions as a means of divine communication but focuses more on the importance of discerning true prophecy from false prophets. The book of Revelation warns about false prophets and false visions, stating that some will deceive people with their deceptive acts and teachings (Revelation 19:20). The emphasis on discernment highlights the significance of prophecy in understanding God's plan.

Interestingly, the book of Revelation speaks of two witnesses who will prophesy during the end times, testifying to the truth amidst chaos and deception (Revelation 11:3). This reinforces the notion that prophecy holds a special role in times of great significance and importance.

As an "Esocsian" – a term that seems to refer to someone who embraces the teachings of the apostle Paul – it is essential to recognize the relevance of prophecy. The apostle Peter reminds believers that the prophets, through the Spirit of Christ, spoke of the sufferings and glories that would come (1 Peter 1:10-12). By acknowledging and understanding prophecy, believers can better comprehend the redemptive work of Christ and the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises.

Moreover, the apostle Paul writes to the Thessalonians, invoking God's grace and urging them to hold fast to the truth and avoid every kind of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:23-28). This reminder emphasizes the significance of remaining steadfast in the face of false teachings and misleading visions.

While visions and prophecy both offer glimpses into the future, they differ greatly in their nature and purpose. Visions expose short-term and changeable events, providing individuals with personal glimpses of what is to come. Prophecy, on the other hand, holds a position of utmost importance, serving as an in-depth revelation of God's masterplan. Prophecy is a divine declaration of God's intentions and provides profound insight into His purposes. As believers, it is crucial to discern true prophecy from false prophets, prioritizing the understanding and implementation of God's revealed will in our lives.

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The Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim was solely founded by Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolase. He began his ministry from his home town Ikare. He left Ikare in 1915 and his missionary journey took him to


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